Sunday, May 25, 2008

year of the goat horoscopes

In this site, I have everything about astrology, and can be as a comprehensive overview and way beyond the scope of any one article. Maybe you call the horoscope hotline on occasion to find out what a reader has to say about your future.

Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are in the Earth group. Teenagers and young adults are often curious about astrology. This is done with the help of charts and tables.

This is the sign of your personality, how you look, how you impress others, and how others think of you. State honour and attainment of wealth bring happiness.

The fourth sign is Cancer the crab. A nervous tic could denote anxiety. The Virgo principle involves analyzing and improving upon the creative output generated in Leo through discernment and efficiency.

Whatever we resist persists, so try to find ways to communicate and clear up the past so you can move on. Ultimately, this requires that we descend into the darkness and wrestle with our own personal dragons.

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