Tuesday, May 27, 2008

da juana horoscope

You all read them in the papers, your daily horoscope, detailing whether you will be lucky in love today or that perhaps you just might want to slow down that steamy office romance that he started a few weeks ago. It is time for you to step forward and be the aggressive one at work and to let others around you that you are the go getter and you are going to be the one that will be moving the company forward.

Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are in the Earth group. As the painting starts to come together you can begin to make your own additions and try to have the finished work look as you might want it to at the end of the day. Your surroundings and the people that you meet each day make up your longer term cycle.

Diplomatic and open minded their friendly open nature draws others to them. It can be a good feeling to learn that many others share similar qualities, and for a young person who is not entirely comfortable with various aspects of his or her personality, realizing that it is within his or her own power to change the less desirable traits and strengthen those traits which appeal to him or her the most, will go a long way in granting a teenager or young adult the appreciated state of knowing it is within themselves to improve what they wish to improve and rely more heavily on the traits which give them the most potential for a happy, well adjusted life.

A person who cannot hold an eye locking gaze for more than a second or two may be shy, modest, anxious, or guilty. Scorpions are very passionate, as well as possessive. Some characteristics of Capricorn are responsible, careful, practical, shy and reserved.

Although these are hard to put into words, you may be able to interpret the meaning when you see it. Each chart of the horoscope being unique, the process of explaining the basic horoscope is quite a lengthy process.

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