Saturday, May 10, 2008

free daily horoscopes horoscopes - learn all about horoscopes

This planet relates to the world of emotions, including the nature embedded by nature, nurture and memory. The zodiac has also a lot to teach us about our path in this life.

The water element woman of Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces would go well with a water element man and airy Gemini, Libra and Aquarius women would fit with airy men. This year has high aspirations for you and you will see the high activity and growth, but keep in mind your clear focus and continue to move forward on your pattern of growth. This is what determines our astrological sign at the time of our birth.

People born between May 21 and June 22 are Geminis. A horoscope junkie that pays attention to that horoscope will pay attention to anything that might catch their eye, from fish to advice, and for a good reason.

The moon in Libra calls you to balance your desire for intimate merging with needs for autonomy. The Sagittarius principle expands the concrete mind by demonstrating how meaning is created through higher understanding. One can depend on a Capricorn any day, without the fear of regretting it.

Leo are born egoistic. See what you can you do to make things more just and fair and implement new strategies to bring your life into balance and equanimity.

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