Saturday, August 2, 2008

compatible horoscope signs

Short horoscopes are especially intriguing when they are relevant of something that has happened to us. Many people would like to have their futures foretold so they can prepare beforehand.

The Sun entering Aries heralds the Spring Equinox of equal days and equal nights. Your co workers will be trying everything they can to keep up with you and they actual be more productive because of your attitude. One may use Heliocentric (Sun centered) astrology, or use the Sidereal Zodiac (which takes into account the precession of the Equinox).

Taurus is a Fixed Sign that won't budge; Aries will get much further with finesse and charm, Taurus is a real sucker for both, than with argument, since Taurus never loses a debate. Virgos need lots of adoration and attention. Some characteristics of Aries are independent, impulsive, competitive, arrogant, dynamic, adventurous, energetic and courageous.

You can accomplish a lot this month if you remain grounded. As we transform our fears we can then emerge as powerful bearers of light.

Gemini Love Life - have fun while studying horoscopes

1 comment:

Western Sidereal Astrology The Reverend Count Zodiacal Fixed Zodiac Astrologer and Tarot Reading Love Money Health Romance Relationships Family Advice Lectures Tutoring Publication said...

“Sidereal Horoscopes”
Count Gramalkin
Western Zodiacal Sidereal Astrologer
San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology
Spiritual Evolution Self Realization Truth Seeker
Attention Pattern Manipulates Mystic Law Creating Experience Attentions on God or Not
Reprogram Attention to Perpetual Meditation and Recreate the Miracle In Your Life
1 877 322 7238 Toll Free - http://www.CountGramalkin.Com - Gramalkin@Gramalkin.Com
"Astrology Realities Manifesto"
Dearest Truth Seeker Disciples:
Everyone is welcome to have a go at the San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology Delineation Technique. For example FEEL FREE to CALL your BOOKIE BROKER and BET that MORTGAGE MONEY on anything on the ZERO RELEVANCE LIST such as get yourself a nice Comet all lined up and take it to the HORSERACE TRACK when you get tired of being HOMELESS reread the list. Everything in the San Francisco School Technique got there by PROVING itself with the CASH on the LINE. "This is real life school one either gets it or not the proof of the pudding is in the eating either you have the money or they have the money if it doesn't work at the track it doesn't work in your daily life” Mazurek.
There is some natural curiosity about how The Reverend Professor John Mazurek (1919-2oo3) the San Francisco School and I came to be heirs of the modern day father of astrology Cyril Fagan (1896-1970) legacy linage when Cyril said it was so we took his word for it. Observing astrology including prominent Siderealists wandering lost in misinformation shows us why he did details on Gramalkin.Com.
The Following Items Have Z E R O Relevant Delineation In Work-A-Day Astrology.
Asteroids; Comets; Deacons; Part of Fortune; Moon Nodes; Geocentric & Heliocentric; Parallels; Paran; Celestial Latitude; Altitude; Right Ascension; Declination; Equator; Horizon; Apogee and Perigee; Harmonics/Ennead/Novile; How close a planet is to earth; Hierarchical Rulers; Exaltation; Dignity & Fall; Mutual Reception; Detriment; Seasonal/Tropical Moving Zodiac Astrology; Tropical natal 12 house system of delineation & House Rulers; Whole Sign House System; Placidian Houses; Retrograde is bad; Aspects being good or bad by nature; Using first event charts as a natal to predict events; The Triplicities form of the elements - Fire, Earth, Air, Water in order around the Zodiac; The cusps, such as being in the Aries/Taurus cusp or planets loosing power on the cusp; Midpoints Between Planets or between planets and angles; Natal, Progressed or Cyclic Horoscopes done for the place of residence rather than the place of birth. Almost all data about planetary orbs; Dealing with inner-personal relationships the inner-aspects between charts are much more important than having supposedly harmonious and inharmonious signs or consecutive signs or trine ascendants and such; Other items will be added to this list as they come to mind.
Authors Note: It was after Mazurek wrote his pieces on Jesus and the Lunar Mansions that he finally proved the Hierarchical Rulers, Exaltation, Dignity & Fall, Detriment, Mutual Reception; are fallacies and have zero delineation value.
Astrology, one would like to help ones colleagues and the general public understand how astrology and the mystery works. One would prefer to refrain from hurting anyone's feelings. Hopefully this information will be received in the manor intended. The Gramalkin policy is to refrain from bothering with any argumentative, combative or debate scenarios about the mystery. The best one can do is present the true information take it or leave it and good luck to you.
Addressing, responding to the continual unending stream of astrological misinformation is a task too mammoth to undertake. Publishing correct data is a much more realistic effort. Mazurek would say “this is real life school one either gets it or not”. It is like the Porsche guy trying to explain the difference to the Camaro guy - sometimes...they get it.
The Astrology most often associated Western Civilization is WRONG and MISLEADING. The fundamental problem stems from Classical Greek and Moorish Astrologers who translated the Zodiac they inherited from the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians incorrectly. Nothing has been right since. However, in 1949 the modern day father of astrology the great Astrologer and Astronomer Cyril Fagan of Dublin, Ireland, (1896-1970) discovered the mistake. Modern Western Zodiacal Sidereal Astrology was born.
Galaxies make up universes. Universes make up Cosmic Spheres. Our cosmic sphere is the matter of which our sun is the center. When you look at the sky what you see is Western Sidereal Zodiacal Astrology as Sidereal astrology reckons celestial longitude from the fixed stars. Before any understanding or education of astrology can take place one must first understand and agree on what the Zodiac is.
The path the planets are orbiting through around the Sun is the Zodiac and it is not moving. For all practical purposes the path is sitting still and the planets are moving through the path around the Sun. The stars and space are in a fixed position and the Planets are orbiting through the stars and space around the Sun. This is physical reality and Western Zodiacal Sidereal Astrology.
The zodiac is the baseline of the three dimensional model of our cosmic sphere. The Zodiac or Ecliptic is the physical PATH or ORBIT of all the planets around the Sun in our cosmic sphere. Rather than being like a molecule with particles whirling about every which way all the planets orbit the sun in the same zodiacal ecliptic plane. The 12-constellation system validity with fixed star Spica at 29 Virgo 6'5" is shown by properly done Ingress horoscopes.
The horizon, equator, seasons and seasonal rotation affect only earth the Zodiac affects the entire Cosmic Sphere, SIDEREAL ASTROLOGY. Sidereal means measured by a star, physical reality. Rather than being a philosophical matter of opinion this is plain old-fashioned Physical Astronomical Reality. Regardless of how one attempts to rationalize any misconception of this matter the Sun will still Rise in the East in the morning because the Earth is Rotating on its axis and Revolving about the Sun in its Fixed Zodiacal Sidereal Ecliptical Orbit.
Of the most common astrologer errors is incomplete work also the accuracy of the event data. This is compounded by the fact that few astrologers even know what complete work is. The horoscope is a scientific document and must be done accurately with the correct documentation to prove the case. Many scenarios require identification and all manner of data, professional astrology requires complete and accurate I.D. and coordinates. The more complete and accurate the data the more complete and accurate the reading.
Most astrologers are theorists with zero provable ground of being application with which to sort the truth and fallacies out of the multitude of astrological commentary. One can still hear the Old Man now “self-taught self-styled half-baked authority read a book on Zen and think they are Buddha”. Read some astrology material Harry said this Billy Bob wrote that call that research then start talking and writing.
The teknoids especially the ones that fail to grasp the big picture tend to try to drag all manor of mathematical what not into it. They become enthralled with the mathematics of it all, confuse being a mathematician with being an astrologer and seek an astrological application for all the astronomical mathematical points most of which have zero astrological delineation. Essentially Azimuth, Altitude, Right Ascension, Declination, Equator, Horizon, Apogee and Perigee, how close a planet is to earth and so forth have nothing to do with astrological delineation. IT IS ZODIACAL SIDEREAL CELESTIAL LONGITUDE THAT COUNTS.
What happens is that when astrologers fail to use a complete file of horoscope charts for the event it results in mass wandering about psychic guessing. They wind up grasping at straws using the law of substitution trying to find symbology to explain the events that occur. Next thing you know they're talking you how it is straws like the right ascension of the heliacal rising of the left handed moon node was EXACTLY paran trine the mundo midpoint between their Mars and Venus - (see, SEE it's right there!!!). Ask them what the file looks like and it’s err, Uhh, DA. Things like demi-solars, quarter year solars and on and on are just not needed when using a complete file. When using a properly prepared complete horoscope file the repeated patterns that emerge throughout the file are just too obvious to miss. Incomplete creates inconsistent.
Unless ones research is also displayed in the correctly produced full file format baseline there is no way to check what actually happened, to judge what is really going on in the case at hand and therefore verify the validity of the research and what realistic relationship the application of the data has. Again this file begins with ACCURATE event times and longitude and latitude coordinates.
Empirical research is setting up COMPLETE FILES for thousands of cases in an absolute proof ground of being such as money, births, deaths, accidents to test each of the theories. Sally Sue will say “oh I wasn’t depressed last Tuesday” Armchair theorizing is one thing however one can not kid ones self about the money, either you have the money or they have the money.
Example - Some astrologer wrote a piece assessing the 75 year career of some monkey (an actor) biased on a singular rising angular planet with a hundred year old turn of the century 10 AM birth time which tells us that one is clearly ready for the big therapy in the sky. An even hour birth time from any era much less one from the beginning of the twentieth century is most certainly a round off if not an out right guess. Therefore any speculation about angularity is just that. Delineate the horoscope chart as a whole in the baseline context of a complete file. One has a better chance of getting the higher self-manifestation from a rising planet in a well aspected horoscope than in a negatively aspected chart, all rising sign planets also sun and moon aspects affect appearance and so forth et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
Contrary to popular belief one of average ability may learn to be a great astrologer very quickly rather than requiring years and decades or a lot of historical reference, astronomical or mathematical study.
The historical study of astrology entails sorting through some ninety percent or more misinformation to prove out the truth and falsehood in some absolute proof ground of being which has already been done at least once and is herewith given to you for free and elucidated on www.CountGramalkin.Com. In fact historical study of astrology may be more of a hindrance than a help as unlearning and relearning can be much more difficult to impossible than learning.
For example many if not most people infected with seasonal moving zodiac Tropical astrology who wise up to Sidereal astrology never get free of attempting to use the Tropical modus operandi in Sidereal astrology this does not work. E.g. the delineation of a tropical sign is different that the delineation of the Sidereal constellation of the same name or eternally prattling on about the house system of delineation eTc.
Again people, in the twenty and twenty first century one born in a subterranean dwelling with zero TV, radio, or pictures or never saw the sky, the planet surface, the sun, moon or a star who never even heard of astronomy, right ascension, declination, horizon, the equatorial system of measurement et cetera who can add and subtract with a pencil a set of books and the San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology Technique of Delineation could be a fabulous astrologer. The cardinal sin of mankind is mistaking the apparent for the real such as mistaking being a great astronomer, historian or mathematician with being a great astrologer. It is ok (even good) to know the astronomy side of it however unnecessary in doing astrology. The people who so famously managed to hit the comet half a kajillian miles from earth with the space probe all knew their astronomy however try getting one of them to correctly delineate ones horoscope.
Even I in a good workweek teach a gifted student enough astrology to make them one of the best few hundred astrologers who ever lived the essence of which is given away on www.CountGramalkin.Com. There is a lot more to it of course however it will just have to wait for the book.
It is very helpful to have a realistic understanding of the Intrinsic Value of the Planets (the meaning or definition / delineation of the planets) and where and when to apply them. The one word Intrinsic Value of the Planets and therefore the Signs delineation (more on
Sun/Leo = Spirit; Moon/Cancer = Soul; Mercury/Gemini/Virgo = Intellect; Venus/Taurus/Libra = Love; Mars/Aries = Sex; Jupiter/Sagittarius = Win; Saturn/Capricorn = Lose; Uranus/Aquarius = Intuition; Neptune/Pisces = Imagination; Pluto/Scorpio = Death.
"Western Sidereal Zodiacal Constellations or Signs" - Epoch 1950 - Aries = April 15th; Taurus = May 15th; Gemini = June 15th; Cancer = July 16th; Leo = Aug 17th; Virgo = Sept 17th; Libra = Oct 17th; Scorpio = Nov 16th; Sagittarius = Dec 16th; Capricorn = Jan 15th; Aquarius = Feb 14th; Pisces = March 15th. Actual dates may vary a bit due to the leap year thingy.
The best advice I have for you is to take my best advice. Read and heed every word of the material on www.CountGramalkin.Com (the entire contents only amount to a pamphlet). This will provide one an accurate rendition of the secret of the cosmos / the meaning of life / enlightenment, how to read / predict it and what to do about it. Adept at everything on CountGramalkin.Com one would be at will at one with God co-creators with God. Each article must be composed, as though it is the only Gramalkin article the reader will ever see. Therefore a certain amount of duplication of information occurs as a necessity of stating the case.
The zodiac ecliptic is the baseline of the three dimensional model of our cosmic sphere. Reckon horoscopes for the location of birth in Zodiacal Sidereal Ecliptic Celestial Longitude with the fixed star Spica at 29 Virgo 6’:5” Epoch 1977 - Full BIRTH Name, Date, First Breath Time, Place (Longitude & Latitude), Race, Gender - Geographic, Campanus Table of Houses, Octoscope and East Point Angles, Arabic Lunar Mansions, Major Fixed Star Aspects and Constellation Breaks. Porphyry is the second best house system.
The complete file is The Natal; Secondary Progressed Planets and Primary Angles; Secondary Natal Quotidian (SNQ); Solar Return, Monthly Solar Return, Lunar Return and their daily Progressed Main Angles also the Event Chart inner-aspected with the Transits and major Fixed Stars to all. The natal horoscope plus two horoscopes a year, two horoscopes a month and four horoscopes a day plus the Event Horoscope (Transits which is done for the location of event) inner-aspected. Incidentally the complete file format makes it easier to read events rather than harder as the repeated patterns are too obvious to miss. The essence of the San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology Technique of Delineation is available free as a PDF eBook here.
The repeated simultaneous occurrence pattern of illuminated angularity (Sun Moon Jupiter Rising) being the most important factor. One copy of each horoscope chart by its self and one copy of each horoscope interaspected. Count Score on +&- intrinsic values to read Higher \ Lower Self, Yes \ No eTc. To delineate in any given sphere, use the Intrinsic Adjectives common to that sphere. E.g. Venus - Psychologically = Love & Peace. Mundanely = Food & Clothes. Medically = Kidney eTc. eTc.
In the production of the horoscope all charts should be drawn the same way in the classical style just like Mazurek taught us at school as illustrated in the Marilyn Monroe Sample Horoscope available on Horoscopes must be hand drawn as at the time of this writing there are no known correctly produced computerized horoscopes.
In drawing the horoscope do all math twice and write EVERYTHING left to right HORIZONTALLY. Date Time and Standard Time of event in the center. Name, Race, Gender and Place upper left. Coordinates; SVP; Delta T and GMT to RAMC in the upper right hand corner. Horoscope Identification in the upper middle Such as: Sidereal Zodiacal Longitude Natal; Geographic; Campanus; Octoscope; Arabic Lunar Mansions (and unless you physically see a birth certificate eTc. the word SPECULATIVE). Whatever decoding is necessary - Major aspects and angular planets and stars et cetera at the bottom. Draw in all the angles, the 4 Main, the 4 Octoscope Midpoint and East Point angles. Midheaven = tenth house cusp, ascendant = first house cusp. Draw angular planet glyphs on the angle, lacking space draw a line from the planet glyph across the angle. Dash Lines - - - = A Constellation Change. Draw one copy of the horoscope taken by its self, another copy for inner-aspect composite. Draw all composite charts the same way regardless of which type of chart it is. Natal in the center in black then Progressed in red then Solar Return in green then Monthly Solar Return and Lunar Return in available colors finally transits in pencil.
This format for drawing charts is recommended because of being able to actually read the charts. When dealing with sixty planets and forty-four fixed stars on the ten charts that make up the complete file baseline having numbers written going every which way and or zero consistency, data scattered about, the Midheaven here or there and one this color the next another makes it difficult to impossible to physically read and comprehend the file. E.g. whoever drew the file all secondary progressed in red shazam one immediately knows what one is dealing with.
In real life work-a-day astrology not all hand drawn charts get full label. A progressed lunar return in a complete file for example may just have - Progressed Lunar a name, date, coordinates, RAMC etc. On composite horoscopes one may use just the planet and signs to the degree, insert minutes for the angles and whatever else is necessary, zero fixed stars and such just refer back to the original copy of the chart done by itself as necessary. A second nature realization of the Intrinsic Values of the Planets (the meaning) is the most important thing in delineation.

Always consider all charts with all the Techniques of Delineation then apply the appropriate one for the type of problem being solved.
IIA. The Natal Technique of Delineation is used in reading Natal and Cyclic charts for the “Psychological Makeup / Psychological Conditions” one is dealing with, therefore the events - as above so below (With some cyclic exception rules).
Aspects are via Sign and House (Campanus). The angle orbs are: East Point is always zero degree orb 60‘.
The Constellation on the Ascendant and the first house is the Ascendant Angle.
Minus ten degrees from the Midheaven and the Tenth House is the Midheaven Angle.
The Descendent and Nadir minus five degrees and the Angular or Foreground house constitute the Angle.
The Zodiacal Octoscope Watch Midpoint Angles are at the center of the 8 Watches and have a five-degree orb of Angularity. The Watch Midpoint Angles are the Zodiacal Midpoints between the four Main Angles. The Watch Cusps are the midpoints between the main angles and the midpoint angles. The Octotopus is the Octoscope without the watch cusps. Watches run clockwise from Ascendant 1=Self/Body-Will Power-Akin to 2nd moon colors mind; 2=Livelihood-$ Work For; 3=Status/Position in world-Career-Mother-Sisters-Brothers-Travel; 4=Home-$ Get; 5=Others; 6=Health Problems; 7=Spouse-Father-May affect home; 8=Death.
Technically the Angles have a five-degree Angle Orb and planets within that five degrees are more intense. However for all practical purposes for Psychological Conditions and Makeup / Character the Constellation on the Ascendant is Angular eTc.
Interpersonal relationships: inner-aspects you get your own; planets give to angles; Sun always gives. Natal and cyclic interaspects are by sign. He has Natal Aries Sun, She has Natal Aries Moon = His Sun/Spirit is conjunct Her Moon/Soul (the basic yin yang couple polarity) the closer the stronger. In business X has Jupiter in Gemini; Y has Saturn in Gemini = X wins. Progressed use close aspects.
IIB. The Progressed Technique: For Timing of Events read all charts with the Progressed Technique, which is a zero degree Angle and Aspect orb. Normal rules apply, applying aspects are stronger than separating etc. Progressed Charts are basically daily charts, however they may be read as Event Charts with a Natal Technique for a several day span. The Annual Secondary Progressed a several year span.
IIC. The Predictive Technique: The Natal; Secondary Progressed Planets and Primary Angles; Secondary Natal Quotidian (SNQ); Solar Return, Monthly Solar Return and Lunar Return and their daily Progressed Main Angles; also the Event Chart inner-aspected with the Transits and major Fixed Star aspects to all. Reading the Natal, Cyclic Charts, and Event Chart with a five-degree angle orb and the Progressed Charts at a zero degree angle orb. Illuminated angularity being the most important factor (e.g. Sun Moon Jupiter Rising on many charts etc).
* announces new edition eBooks give-away improved basic astrology horoscopes and tarot techniques with the Cyril Fagan / John Mazurek / Count Gramalkin San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology Technique of Delineation. Learn Foretelling the Future tell ones own fortune now given away with zero spyware/spam/virus on (note the SFSSATD, The Count Gramalkin Sidereal Horoscopes Chronicle Current Edition, Fortuneteller Manual, Tarot Manual, and Jesus Nativity by Reverend John Mazurek new edition PDF eBook links - click on the Book Information and Stars=Cards tabs). The cumulative research of millions of people from many civilizations over the last 10,000 years.
An expertly trained professional astrologist, capable of administering all phases of Western Zodiacal Sidereal Astrology and Tarot - love, money, health, spiritual evolution, psychological makeup, selection, business and relationships compatibility profile to help both women and men successfully interact with persons, corporations or towns in the search of true compatibility guidance, also helps to improve both spiritual awareness and an every day life condition.
* is the home of Count Gramalkin; Professional Western Zodiacal Sidereal Astrologer, Tarot Reading and being senior out of San Francisco School next in line the foremost practicing DIRECT heir out of his chosen linage of the astrological insights, knowledge and research of the modern day father of astrology, the great world famous Western Sidereal Astrologer Astronomer Cyril Fagan of Dublin, Ireland (1896-1970). There is some natural curiosity about how The Reverend Professor John Mazurek (1919 - 2oo3) and I came to be heirs of the Cyril Fagan legacy linage when Cyril said it was so we took his word for it.
Out of the "San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology" directed by "Fagan's Chosen Heir" the Reverend Professor John Mazurek (1919-2003) where Gramalkin was privileged to study, and carry Fagan's and Mazurek's techniques in trust to provide them to the public at large. Accurate and reliable Western Zodiacal Sidereal Astrological Horoscope Charts with readings, tarot readings, lectures, tutoring and publication.
What many are not aware of is that the very foundation of astrology most often associated with Western Civilization is in fact incorrect and misleading. The fundamental problem stems from Classical Greek and Moorish Astrologers who translated the Zodiac they inherited from the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians incorrectly. Nothing has been right since. At you can find the true facts of this and the thoughts of Gramalkin himself; a true Western Sidereal Zodiacal Astrologer.
View Western Sidereal Zodiacal Astrology Horoscopes online at; from an acclaimed expert in the Sidereal Zodiac today.
To receive The Count Gramalkin “Sidereal Horoscopes” Chronicle send an email to Sidereal@Gramalkin.Com with “Chronicle Please” in the subject field.
When you gather or grasp enough evidence already gathered to pick five consecutive number one horses in a row using straight astrology as I saw Mazurek do get back to me with the daily double. Refer to the San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology Technique of Delineation PDF at this URL - While you continue thinking for yourself (a good thing and how the SF School technique came to be) armchair theorizing is one thing back it up with the buck and other absolute proof ground of being.
So far invariably once one views the correctly done complete file baseline with the three delineation techniques (Natal, Predictive, Progressed) to see what actually happened the answer becomes very obvious and major events are so predominant they can not be missed - every time.

1 877 322 7238 Toll Free - http://www.CountGamalkin.Com - Gramalkin@Gramalkin.Com
The credentials for this data are displayed at these URL's.
Show me the file, better yet show it to your self.
Good luck love thank you amen Om,
Count Gramalkin
Western Zodiacal Sidereal Astrology Horoscopes, Tarot Reading and Western Sidereal Zodiac Astrologer
* * * * * * * * * * *

Astrology Realities Manifesto by Count Gramalkin.Com Western Zodiacal Sidereal Astrologer Tarot Reading v7 26 8